Interdisciplinary Project Minimus: Greek, Latin, Ancient Philosophy and Archeology in Public Elementary and Middle schools

Reading of the Iliad for the Festival Latin-Grec Européen 2019

Collaborating departments: Department of Classical and Vernacular Languages and Literatures, Philosophy Department and the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography
Coordinator: Paula da Cunha Corrêa
Contact:, FFLCH, Rua do Lago, 717 - CEP 05508-900 - Postal Box 8105.

Supervisors: Paula da Cunha Corrêa (DLCV/FFLCH), Roberto Bolzani Filho (DF/FFLCH), Maria Cristina Nicolau Kormikiari (MAE/USP), Gilberto da Silva Francisco (UNIFESP).
Summary: The Interdisciplinary Minimus Program expanded in 2019 the previous project (2013-1018), “Minimus Project: Greek and Latin in public elementary education”, with the addition of weekly classes in Classical Philosophy and History / Archeology, that are now part of the 8th grade curriculum as mandatory subjects at EMEF Des. Amorim Lima, taught by undergraduate and / or graduate students from the Department of Philosophy (FFLCH / USP) and the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography at USP.
At EMEF Desembargador Amorim Lima, Greek and Latin classes (which are mandatory in the school's curriculum since the beginning of the project in 2013), are taught weekly to 8th and 4th grade students.
From 2020 to 2021, all classes were taught live, by Googlemeet, on the EMEF Desembargador Amorim Lima platform. .

Free-access online teaching materials:

Basil Bátrakhos and the Mysterious Letter: Classical Greek for Young People. Charlie Andrew, Peter Jones (Classics for All); Translation: Paula da Cunha Corrêa, Ingrid Valk Rokiskei, Júlia Salazar Matos.

Compose a Fable, Resolve a Conflict - Student's Book. Marcos Martino dos Santos.…

Compose a Fable, Resolve a Conflict - Teacher's Book. Marcos Martino dos Santos.…

Papers and lectures:
CORREA, P. C. On the Rise: Classics in Brazil In: The Present and Future of Classical Studies in Latin America, 2013, Mexico City. UNAM and Onassis Foundation: The Present and Future of Classical Studies in Latin America, 2013.
CORREA, P. C. Aesopic Fables and the Acquisition of Conflict Resolution Skills and Social Competence in Classical Outreach Programs, 2019. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
CORREA, P.C.; SANTOS, M. M. dos, The Progymnasmata in the Classroom: Conceptualizing Conflict Resolution through Fables, 2019. (Conference or Lecture, Paper Presentation). Kings College, London.,

Minimus Project in academic articles, books and the media:

CORREA, P. C.; ANDERSON, S. M. M. G.; GORAB, F.; OLIVEIRA, L. T. O Projeto Minimus: Latim e Grego no Ensino Fundamental. Phaos (UNICAMP), v.13, pp. 93 - 117, 2015.

CORREA, P. C. O ensino da língua e literatura gregas. Estudos Avançados (USP Impresso), 2018.

CORREA, P. C. Reintroducing Classics in a Brazilian Public School: Project Minimus in São Paulo” in Forward with Classics; Classical Languages in Schools and Communities. Edd. Arlene Holmes-Henderson, Steven Hunt, Mai Musié, Oxford: Bloomsbury, 2018, pp. 55-66.

CORREA, P. C.; BASTOS, J. H.; BRUNHARA, R. C. M.; FLORES, G. G. A Universidade e os clássicos no século XXI, 8/9/2019,

CORREA, P. C.; CASTRO, G. A. Iniciativas em escolas no Brasil mostram que o latim não está morto, 14/09/2019

BORGES, V. Tá falando grego? E-book gratuito ensina a língua clássica para jovens

DUARTE, A. da S. Aristófanes vai à escola”, Qorpus, 2013 v. 9, pp. 1-2.

MÓDOLO, M.; BRAGA, H. S. Braga (2013), O fundamental da língua clássica”, Língua Portuguesa, 2013, pp. 98: 50-51.

PRATA, P.; FORTES, F. (org.) O Latim hoje: reflexões sobre cultura clássica e ensino, Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2015.

ROLIM DE MOURA, A.; GARRAFONI, R. S. (2015), As línguas clássicas no Ensino Fundamental: considerações a partir de uma experiência recente, in PRATA, P.; FORTES, F. Fortes (org.) 2015, pp. 167-204. 

SUMARES, G. Nova Vida para Línguas Mortas. USP - Revista de Cultura e Extensão, São Paulo, 2014, 11, suppl.: pp. 12-16.

ZANIRATO, T. F.; SOUSA, F. C. (2013), Universidade: escola para a sociedade – um relato sobre experiências de pesquisa e extensão, PhaoS, 2013, vol. 13, pp. 137-52.

TV Broadcast News on the Project:…


Festa da Cultura na EMEF Des. Amorim Lima: Fotos: Des. Amorim Lima webpage:

Participation in the Festival Européen Grec -Latin 

Participation in CHS "Odyssey 'round the World";

Other Brazilian Outreach Projects in Classical Studies for Schools (in construction) 

Contos de Mitologia (UFJF)

Projeto Mitologando (UFRJ)